["A4S0101": "Ghetto encircled by surprise", "A4S0104": "Szwajger is threatened by a German soldier", "A4S0106": "Song of the Murdered Jewish People", "A4S0201": "January fighting", "A4S0203": "Anielewicz's fight", "A4S0206": "Counter-attack", "A4S0301": "Ambushes", "A4S0302": "The Dror in action", "A4S0305": "On the roofs", "A4S0306": "19 January", "A4S0307": "Fighting in Többens-Schultz workshop", "A4S0401": "German reprisals", "A4S0501": "The JFO grows", "A4S0503": "Fighting corps", "A4S0504": "JFO money", "A4S0601": "JFO contacts with the outside", "A4S0603": "Who looks jewish?", "A4S0604": "Yitzhak Zuckerman meets Henryk Wolynski", "A4S0605": "The Zegota", "A4S0606": "Arieh Wilner is arrested", "A4S0607": "The Resistance protects the intellectuals", "A4S0609": "Adina Szwajger leaves the Ghetto", "A4S0612": "Adina Szwajger is a JFO liaison agent", "A4S0701": "Bunkers are built", "A4S0801": "Poster war", "A4S0901": "Preparing for Pesach", "A4S0903": "Zuckerman at Pesach"]